Lectio Magistralis


Due to health reasons, Professor Tallacchini will not be able to give her Lectio Magistralis.
However, the meeting, starting at 10 a.m., in which the results of UNIMI’s research group on environmental law and policy will be presented, is confirmed.

On April 17th it will be held the first event of the project: a lectio magistralis on “Scienza e Potere”, organised on the occasion of the launch of the book “Esplorazioni di diritto dell’ambiente” (edited by Prof. Sara Valaguzza). The event will take place at the University of Milan, Sala Napoleonica, at 9:30 a.m.

The lecturer will be professor Mariachiara Tallacchini and the coordinator will be professor Giada Ragone.

Attached to this news you will find the flyer with all the other necessary details.